
Symposium – Teaching and learning diasporic languages in post-pandemic era

The MIGDIA project organised a symposium on teaching and learning diasporic language as part of the applied linguistics AILA 2023 World Congress (17th to 21st July 2023) in Lyon, France.

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Production and Governance of Human Capital in the Middle East – Research seminar

The seminar organised by Taavi Sundell at the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (FIME) in Beirut, Lebanon, brought together researchers from Finland, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States to explore the concept of human capital in the context of education governance, political economy, humanitarian aid, and property rights.

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Love, marriage and dating in the Arab world – online course

The course led by Sandra Nasser El-Dine and organised by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East, focused on the anthropological study of love, marriage, and dating practices in the Middle East. Its goal was to provide an ethnographically grounded overview of the diversity of dating and marital practices across different regions of the contemporary Middle East and offer tools to assess various frameworks for examining this subject.

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Continuing education course for teachers in Lebanon

The course "Transnational Educational Paths: Perspectives from Lebanon" was a continuing education course organised in collaboration between the MIGDIA research project and the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. The course was targeted especially for those working with newly arrived students. Led by Irina Piippo and Taavi Sundell, the course examined refugee education from different perspectives, both through the international agreements and structures that shape it, as well as through its everyday practices.

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The Middle East in the Global Political Economy: The Case of Lebanon – student course

The course, led by Taavi Sundell and organised jointly by FIME and the University of Helsinki delved into various aspects of Lebanon's political and economic system and used it as a lens to explore broader regional developments. It aimed to understand how, why, and with what consequences Lebanon and the Middle East have integrated into global economic structures.

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