Sandra Nasser El-Dine

Sandra Nasser El-Dine is a social anthropologist who has conducted ethnographic research on topics related to gender relations in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. During the years 2021–2022, she worked as a researcher at the Finnish Institute in the Middle East. In the MIGDIA project, she conducts postdoctoral research on the connections between gender dynamics and educational opportunities in the daily lives of Arab immigrant families in Finland and Lebanon.

Sandra’s doctoral dissertation examines how romantic love intersects with connective care practices in the lives of Jordanian and Syrian young adults residing in Amman, based on ethnographic data she collected in Jordan between 2012 and 2016. Between 2003 and 2006, she also lived in Syria for extended periods of time. In her master’s thesis, she analyses the perceptions of Syrian youth regarding gender relations in Western countries. Sandra’s research interests also include the reinterpretation of Islamic traditions and the formation of Muslim subjectivities in everyday life.